What the Dr. said...
The doctor said that Ed is in the 10% of people with ad that get non aura migraine headaches, which he was getting at least three to four times per week. He got some medication for them. Also Ed is up at night which if you look up early stages and symptoms is quite commom...but he was also given medications for that. He cannot be a part of the special study because his arecept was raised to a therapeutic dosage in December, and he has not been on it long enough to qualify for this study. The arecept has improved memory and repetitive questions... but if you know Ed you can see some personality differences. I love his sense of humor about it all as he writes in this blog...and his intelligence...and that is truly "our" Ed. But at times he is obviously not himself...and that's life with ad.
The Obama Administration announced yesterday a $130 million increase over two years in the funding for Alzheimer’s Disease research, as well as $26 million of additional funding for support of caregivers and other programs toward the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s.
... two independent, new studies suggest that Alzheimer's spreads from cell to cell rather than independently forming randomly throughout the brain. DUH! ...while this seems rather obvious to the lay person, it is only now being scientifically proven. This is because that serious research about Alzhiemer's has only been underway since the 1980s. Considering that Alzhiemer's affects 5.4 million Americans and will approach epidemic levels as the population ages, you'd think we'd take it more seriously. The disease manifests itself in another American every 69 seconds....
An electrical brain-stimulation technique used to treat Parkinson's disease and chronic pain appears to enhance human memory as well, according to a tiny but intriguing new study that bolsters hope for one day developing a nondrug treatment for memory problems, including ailments like Alzheimer's disease.