Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mindy's First Post

Ed and I have only been married for 4 years. He was my knight in shining armor after a rough divorce.

Ed is sweet, smart, kind, caring… a big “teddy bear”. Steady Eddie, a man with true integrity.  I tell people it’s like being married to Santa Clause. A twinkle in his eye, a belly filled with jelly, a deep
ho, ho, ho laugh.

He fell in love with me and my adult children. They love him too. A perfect blended family. A new grandchild, our first, added to our delight cementing our family together.

Then all of the sudden it seemed, last Christmas, Ed pulled back….withdrew….hid out in his office all the time. I got angry….hurt, felt lonely and abandoned. Then the mood swings, tiredness, headaches.

Steady Eddie was suddenly quick to anger. He started asking repetitive questions, getting confused, and at times saying odd things.
I lost my mother to dementia and all the alarm buttons went off…and he told you the rest…tests, doctors...

I cry.  I’m scared….can I do this?  I saw my Mom wither away to nothing…can I watch this vibrant man do the same?  I can only trust the Lord knows what he’s doing and be thankful for my kids and our
strong family unit, which includes two sisters that are there for us. We created this blog, in part, therapeutic, in part, hoping by sharing with other people it may mean something. We need to make this journey count!

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